
As noted in my embedded comments below, I don't really see the problem
you apparently do. 

Maybe I'm missing something important (which certainly wouldn't  be the
first - or last -  time that happened).

I posted this note because I've not seen list comments pertaining to the
job of actually locating and retrieving hitlist documents. 

My way "seems" to work, and it is quite simple and compact.  I just
threw it out seeking a sanity check from others.


On 05/14/2018 11:32 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> On 5/14/2018 6:46 AM, Terry Steichen wrote:
>> In order to allow users to retrieve the documents that match a query, I
>> make use of the embedded Jetty container to provide file server
>> functionality.  To make this happen, I provide a symbolic link between
>> the actual document archive, and the Jetty file server.  This seems
>> somewhat of a kludge, and I'm wondering if others have a better way to
>> retrieve the desired documents?  (I'm not too concerned about security
>> because I use ssh port forwarding to connect to remote authenticated
>> clients.)
> This is not a recommended usage for the servlet container where Solr
> runs.
But if the retrieval traffic is light, what's the problem?
> Solr is a search engine.  It is not designed to be a data store,
> although some people do use it that way.
Perhaps I didn't explain it right, but I'm not using it as a datastore
(other than the fact that I keep the actual file repository on the same
machine on which Solr runs.  I've got plenty of storage, so that's not
an issue, and, as I mentioned above, traffic is quite light.
> If systems running Solr clients want to access all the information for
> a document when the search results do not contain all the information,
> they should use what IS in the search results to access that data from
> the system where it is stored -- that could be a database, a file
> server, a webserver, or similar.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but search results cannot "contain all
the information" can they?  I use highlighting but that's just showing a
few snippets - not a substitute for the document itself.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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