
  I'm having issues using multiple terms in Solr function queries. For e.g.
I'm trying to use the following bf function using termfreq

bf=if(termfreq(ProductLine,'Test Product'),5,0)

This throws  org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Missing end to unquoted
value starting at 28 str='if(termfreq(ProductLine,Test'

If I use only Test or Product i.e. a single term, the function works as
expected. I'm seeing a similar problem with other functions like
docfreq,ttf,tf,idf,etc. I'm using 6.6 but verified similar issue in 5 as

Just wondering if this is an existing issue or something not supported by
Solr. Is there an alternate way to check multiple terms in a function?

Any pointers will be appreciated.

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