On 6/5/18 10:31 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

How about Apache procrun/commons-daemon?

Thank you, I'll take a look.

On 6/5/18 1:51 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
The best bet for
an easy service install is probably NSSM.  It's got a name that some
people hate, but a lot of people use it successfully.

Thank you, I'll take a look at this one too.

You mentioned looking at a GC log.  Can you provide that entire log for
Thank you for your offer to help. But I don't really think this is a memory related issue. I visualized the GC log with GCMV (GCVM?) and the graph shows Solr was using less than half of the heap space at the peak.
This Solr doesn't get much query traffic and no indexing was running.
It's really a sudden death of JVM with no trace.

The only concern I have is that the Solr config files are that of Solr 5.x and they just upgraded to Solr 6.6. But I understand Solr 6 supports Solr 5 compatible mode. Has there been any issue in the compatibility mode?


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