On 6/6/2018 7:38 PM, tapan1707 wrote:
We are planning to upgrade our Solr-6.4 to Solr-7.x. While considering the
appropriate minor version, I saw that there are many ongoing issues for
Solr-7.3 users on the mailing list.
Just wanted to take an expert opinion if it's *safe* to just upgrade to 7.3
without worrying about creating (or adding) patches for too many issues or
should we go for Solr-7.2 for the time being.

That would depend on the specific issues that concern you. A lot of issues only affect users with specific configurations. Issues affecting a majority of users with no possible workaround HAVE happened, but that sort of thing is not common.

The changelog for 7.3.0 lists 44 new features, 35 bug fixes, 5 optimizations, and 45 other changes.  None of which will be in 7.2.x.

My opinion -- run 7.3.1.

Any Solr release you choose will have bugs.  Sometimes many bugs. The idea is to find one where the bugs don't affect YOU.  If you wait for a more stable release, you may be waiting forever.

The 7.3.0 version was announced on April 4th.  The 7.3.1 version didn't hit until May 15th.  That release fixed 9 additional bugs beyond 7.3.0.  Usually less time passes between X.Y.0 and X.Y.1, so to me, that's a very good sign for the overall stability of the 7.3.x line.


I don't recall hearing about any showstopper problems in 7.3.x.  Usually a really bad problem will be mentioned loudly on at least one of the project mailing lists.

It is possible to see a list of issues (including bugs) where the fix will be in the next release of Solr.  Just look at the CHANGES.txt file for branch_7x.  It's the first section, which right now is 7.4.0.  You can see it here:


This also lists the changelogs for previous versions.  All in one place.  This file is also in every Solr download.

It has been nearly a month since the 7.3.1 release and so far, nobody has created a 7.3.2 section in the CHANGES.txt file found in branch_7_3.  This doesn't mean that 7.3.1 is perfect, just that nobody has found a big enough reason to make changes in that branch beyond 7.3.1.


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