On 6/7/2018 7:37 AM, Greenhorn Techie wrote:
When the above settings are passed as part of start script, does that mean
whenever a new collection is created, Solr is going to store the indexes in
HDFS? But what if I upload my solrconfig.xml to ZK which contradicts with
this and contains NRTDirectoryFactory setting? Given the above start
script, should / could I skip the directory factory setting section in my
solrconfig.xml with the assumption that the collections are going to be
stored on HDFS *by default*?

Those commandline options are Java system properties.  It looks like the example configs DO have settings in them that would use the solr.directoryFactory and solr.lock.type properties.  But if your solrconfig.xml file doesn't reference those properties, then they wouldn't make any difference.  The last one is probably a setting that HdfsDirectoryFactory uses that doesn't need to be explicitly referenced in a config file.


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