When you are sending updates you are adjusting the segments which take them
out of memory and the index becomes "cold" until it gets enough searches to
cache the various aspects of the index.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 2:10 PM, Moenieb Davids <moenieb.dav...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Background:
> I am currently testing a deployment of a content management framework where
> I am trying to punt Solr as the tool of choice for ingestion and searching.
> Current status:
> I have deployed SolrCloud across multiple servers with multiple shards and
> a replication factor of 2.
> In terms of collections, I have a person collection that contains details
> individuals including address and high level portfolio info. Structurally,
> this collection contains great grandchildren.
> Then I have a few collections that deals with content. For now, content is
> just emails and document with a max size of 2MB, with certain user
> exceptions that can go higher than 2MB.
> Content is indexed twice in terms of the actual content, firstly as
> binary/stream and then as readable text. Metadata is negligible
> Challenges:
> When performing full text searches without concurrently executing updates,
> solr seems to be doing well. Running updates also does okish given the
> nature of the transaction. However, when I run search and updates
> simultaneously, performance drops quite significantly. I have played with
> field properties, analyzers, tokenizers, shafting sizes etc.
> Any advice?
> Would like to know if anyone has done something similar. Please excuse the
> long winded message
> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile
> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile

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