On 6/20/2018 5:03 AM, Srinivas Muppu (US) wrote:
Hi Solr Team,My Solr project installation setup and instances(including
clustered solr, zk services and indexing jobs schedulers) is available in
Windows 'E:\ ' drive in production environment. As business needs to remove
the E:\ drive, going forward D:\  drive will be used and operational.Is
there any possible solution/steps for the moving solr installation setup
from 'E' drive to 'D' Drive without any impact to the existing
application(it should not create re indexing again)

Exactly what needs to be done will be highly dependent on how you installed Solr on your system.  The project doesn't have any specific installation steps for Windows, so we have absolutely no idea what you have done.  Whoever set up your Solr install is going to know a LOT more about it than we ever can.

At a high level, without any information specific to your setup, here's the steps you need:

 * Stop Solr
 * Move or copy files to the new location
 * Change the solr home and possibly other config
 * Start Solr.


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