Hi Maxence,

Yes, unfortunately that's the wrong API to delete an item from the
Blob Store.  Items in the blob store are deleted like any other Solr
document (i.e. either delete-by-id, or delete-by-query).  This is
mentioned quite obliquely in the Solr Ref Guide here:
https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_3/blob-store-api.html. (CTRL-F
for "delete").  We should really clarify that text a bit...

Anyway, to give you a concrete idea, you could delete that document
with a command like:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
'http://srv-formation-solr3:8983/solr/.system/' --data-binary ' {
"delete": "CityaUpdateProcessorJar/14" }'

Hope that helps,


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 11:14 AM, msaunier <msaun...@citya.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to delete a file in the blob but this command not work:
> curl -X "DELETE"
> http://srv-formation-solr3:8983/solr/.system/blob/CityaUpdateProcessorJar/14
> This command return just the file informations:
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "zkConnected":true,
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":1},
>   "response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"docs":[
>       {
>         "id":"CityaUpdateProcessorJar/14",
>         "md5":"45aeda5a01607fb668cec26a45cac9e6",
>         "blobName":"CityaUpdateProcessorJar",
>         "version":14,
>         "timestamp":"2018-05-30T12:59:40.419Z",
>         "size":22483}]
>   }}
> My command is bad ?
> Thanks,
> Maxence,

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