Thanks Shawn - I misspoke when I said recommendation, should have said
³packaged with². I appreciate the feedback and the quick updates to the
Jira issue. We¹ll plan to proceed with 3.4.12 when we go live.


On 6/29/18, 11:38 AM, "Shawn Heisey" <> wrote:

>On 6/28/2018 8:39 PM, Zimmermann, Thomas wrote:
>> I was wondering if there was a reason Solr 7.4 is still recommending ZK
>>3.4.11 as the major version in the official changelog vs shipping with
>>3.4.12 despite the known regression in 3.4.11. Are there any known
>>issues with running 7.4 alongside ZK 3.4.12. We are beginning a major
>>Solr upgrade project (4.10 to 7.4) and want to stand up the most recent
>>supported versions of both ZK/Solr as part of the process.
>That is NOT a recommendation.
>The mention of ZK 3.4.11 in Solr's CHANGES.txt file is simply the
>version of ZK that Solr ships with.  ZK is included with Solr mostly for
>the client functionality.  The regression is in the server code, and
>unless you run the embedded ZK server, which is not recommended for
>production, the ZK library that ships with Solr will not experience the
>I am not aware of anywhere in Solr or its reference guide that makes a
>recommendation about a specific version of ZK.  The reference guide does
>mention version 3.4.11, but that's only because that's the version that
>Solr includes.  The version number in the documentation source code is
>dynamic and will always match the specific version that Solr includes.
>The compatibility goals of the ZK project indicate that you can run any
>3.4.x or 3.5.x version of ZK on the server side and be compatible with
>the ZK 3.4.x client that's in Solr.
>Look for "Backward Compatibility" on this page:
>We have an issue for upgrading the version of ZK in Solr to 3.4.12.  I
>have uploaded a new patch on that issue to try and clear up any
>confusion about what version of ZK is recommended for use with Solr:

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