You send your queries and updates directly to Solr's collection e.g.
http://host:port/solr/<your_collection_name>. You can use any Solr node for
this request. If the node does not have the collection being queried then
the request will be forwarded internally to a Solr instance which has that

ZooKeeper is used by Solr's Java client to look up the list of Solr nodes
having the collection being queried. But if you are using PHP then you can
probably keep a list of Solr nodes in configuration and randomly choose
one. A better implementation would be to setup a load balancer and put all
Solr nodes behind it and query the load balancer URL in your application.

On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 7:31 AM Sushant Vengurlekar <> wrote:

> I have a question regarding querying in solrcloud.
> I am working on php code to query solrcloud for search results. Do I send
> the query to zookeeper or send it to a particular solr node? How does the
> querying process work in general.
> Thank you

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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