Thank you.

This is more promising because I see the second clause in parsedquery. But it is hitting zero document.

The debug query output looks like this. explain is empty:

rawquerystring":"_query_:{!parent which=\"isParent:true\" v='attrname:genre AND attrvalue:drama'} AND _query_:{!parent which=\"isParent:true\" v='attrname:country AND attrvalue:USA'}", "querystring":"_query_:{!parent which=\"isParent:true\" v='attrname:genre AND attrvalue:drama'} AND _query_:{!parent which=\"isParent:true\" v='attrname:country AND attrvalue:USA'}", "parsedquery":"+AllParentsAware(ToParentBlockJoinQuery (+(+attrname:genre +attrvalue:drama))) +AllParentsAware(ToParentBlockJoinQuery (+(+attrname:country +attrvalue:usa)))", "parsedquery_toString":"+ToParentBlockJoinQuery (+(+attrname:genre +attrvalue:drama)) +ToParentBlockJoinQuery (+(+attrname:country +attrvalue:usa))",

Could you tell me what _query_ does?

On 7/4/18 10:25 PM, Mikhail Khludnev wrote:
agh... It's my pet peeve.
what about
q= {!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:genre AND attrvalue:drama'}
AND {!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:country AND attrvalue:USA'}

^leading space
q=_query_:{!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:genre AND
attrvalue:drama'} AND _query_:{!parent which="isParent:true"
AND attrvalue:USA'}
q=+{!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:genre AND
attrvalue:drama'} +{!parent
which="isParent:true" v='attrname:country AND attrvalue:USA'}
Beware of escape encoding. it might require to replace + to %2b.
Post debug=query response here.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 9:25 PM TK Solr <> wrote:

Thank you, Mikhail. But this didn't work. The first {!parent which='...'
v='...'} alone works. But the second {!parent ...} clause is completely
In fact, if I turn on debugQuery, rawquerystring and querystring have the
query but parsedquery and parsedquery_toString only have the first query.
does is the v parameter works in place of the query following {!parsername
} for
any parser?

On 7/3/18 12:42 PM, Mikhail Khludnev wrote:
q={!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:genre AND attrvalue:drama'}
{!parent which="isParent:true" v='attrname:country AND attrvalue:USA'}

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