Hi Akshay,

did you run solr enabling learning to rank? 

./bin/solr -e techproducts -Dsolr.ltr.enabled=true

if you don't pass -Dsolr.ltr.enabled=true ltr will not be available. 


From: solr-user@lucene.apache.org At: 07/16/18 09:00:39To:  
Subject: Re: Learning to rank - Bad Request


I am using apache solr 7.4.0. I am trying to use learning to rank using the
python script and related data provided by the lucene. which can be found at
the Github
repository of the lucene solr.

I am using the standard core "techproducts" I didnt change the configuration
data and thus it shows the error of bad request while uploading the model to
the solr. 

It shows the error of  empty request body :- "unknown source"

please suggest me how to overcome the error.

Best Regards !

Akshay Patil

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