Would like to ask what your recommendations are for a new performant Solr

SQL DB 4M documents with up to 5000 metadata fields each document [2xXeon
2.1Ghz, 32GB RAM]
Actual Solr: 1 Core version 4.6, 3.8M documents, schema has 300 metadata
fields to import, size 3.6GB [2xXeon 2.4Ghz, 32GB RAM]
(atm we need 35h to build the index and about 24h for a mass update which
affects the production)

Building the index should be less than 6h. Sometimes we change some of the
Metadata fields which affects most of the documents and therefore a
massupdate / reindex is necessary. Reindex is ok also for about 6h (night)
but should not have an impact to user queries. Anyway, every faster indexing
is very welcome. We will have max. 20 - 30 CCUser.

So i asked myself. How many nodes, Lshards, replicas ect. Could someone
please give me recommendation for a fast working architecture. 

really appreciate this, best


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