
Thanks for reading my post!

We have the following environment setup:
SOLR Version: 7.3.1
9 Nodes per DC
2 DCs
2 Separate ZK ensemble (one for each SOLR DC)
CDCR bidirectional enabled.
2 Collections.
3 shards per collection, 3 replication factors. 
Basic auth enabled. (Aware of CDCR basic auth issues, so added other
DC_nodes information as part of live_nodes.
ZK ACL enabled.
Solr Node JVM heap=64 GB with G1GC enabled and tuned.

solrConfig settings for CDCR

 <lst name="replicator">
    <str name="threadPoolSize">8</str>
    <str name="schedule">1000</str>
    <str name="batchSize">512</str>

  <lst name="updateLogSynchronizer">
    <str name="schedule">1000</str>


-Dsolr.autoCommit.maxTime=60000 -Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=1000


Now, we are seeing the following issues:

1. Data inserted into one DC not forwarding into other DC after insert
without any hard commit. 
2. Data inserted into one DC not forwarding into other DC after insert with
hard commit. Verified with /get as well.
3. After doing a hard commit on target DC and RELOAD, data started showing
up. But solr numfound is not matching across DCs. 

Each individual shards leader queueSize was either -1 or 0. And showing



ERROR from log:

INFO  - 2018-07-31 17:54:46.722; [   ]
org.apache.solr.handler.CdcrReplicatorManager$BootstrapStatusRunnable; CDCR
bootstrap successful in 5 seconds
INFO  - 2018-07-31 17:54:46.889; [   ]
Create new update log reader for target collection_name with checkpoint
1607545724212346885 @ collection_name:shard2
ERROR - 2018-07-31 17:54:47.052; [   ]
Unable to bootstrap the target collection collection_name shard: shard2

So wondering how do we proceed further. Thanks in advance.

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