On 8/10/2018 7:38 AM, ruby wrote:
I have 60 thousand fields in schema. When I go to the Analysis page to
analyze a field content


the admin panel crashes and shows error: Connection to Solr lost. Please see
Solr instance.

The Solr log shows following error:

2018-08-10 09:37:49.745 INFO  (qtp870698190-19) [   x:collection1]
o.a.s.c.S.Request [collection1]  webapp=/solr path=/admin/luke
params={show=schema&wt=json&_=1533908056267} status=0 QTime=17709
2018-08-10 09:37:49.748 INFO  (qtp870698190-19) [   x:collection1]
o.a.s.s.HttpSolrCall Unable to write response, client closed connection or
we are shutting down

EofException is an indication that a TCP connection was closed by the other side, which eventually gets noticed when this side tries to send data down the connection.  Since idle timeouts that haven't been changed are typically either 50 or 60 seconds, this would indicate that something took a VERY long time to happen, so one end or the other eventually gave up.  It takes a bit of time to transfer information about 60000 fields, but even with that many I would not expect the admin UI's processes to take long enough for EofException to occur.

What is the heap size on your Solr install?  You might be running into a situation where the heap is too small and Java is spending a HUGE amount of time doing garbage collection - long enough for idle timeouts to be exceeded.  The default heap size that Solr uses out of the box is 512MB, which is very small.


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