My tests with many combinations (instance, node, core) on a 3 server cluster
with SolrCloud pointed out that highest performance is with multiple solr
instances and shards and replicas placed by rules so that you get advantage
from preferLocalShards=true.

The disadvantage ist the handling of the system, which means setup, starting
and stopping, setting up the shards and replicas with rules and so on.

I tested with 3x3 SolrCloud (3 shards, 3 replicas).
A 3x3 system with one instance and 3 cores per host could handle up to 30QPS.
A 3x3 system with multi instance (different ports, single core and shard per
instance) could handle 60QPS on same hardware with same data.

Also, the single instance per server setup has spikes in the response time graph
which are not seen with a multi instance setup.

Tested about 2 month ago with SolCloud 6.4.2.


Am 26.08.2018 um 08:00 schrieb Wei:

I have a question about the deployment configuration in solr cloud.  When
we need to increase the number of shards in solr cloud, there are two

1.  Run multiple solr instances per host, each with a different port and
hosting a single core for one shard.

2.  Run one solr instance per host, and have multiple cores(shards) in the
same solr instance.

Which would be better performance wise? For the first option I think JVM
size for each solr instance can be smaller, but deployment is more
complicated? Are there any differences for cpu utilization?


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