> I am not sure why field centric field is not used all the time or at least 
> why there is no parameter to force it.

Yea, we should have a parameter to force a field/term centric mode if possible.

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com <http://www.cominvent.com/>

> 30. aug. 2018 kl. 20:13 skrev Emir Arnautović <emir.arnauto...@sematext.com 
> <mailto:emir.arnauto...@sematext.com>>:
> Hi David,
> Your observations seem correct. If all fields produces the same tokens then 
> Solr goes for “term centric” query, but if different fields produce different 
> tokens, then it uses field centric query. Here is blog post that explains it 
> from multiword synonyms perspective: 
> https://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2018/02/20/edismax-and-multiterm-synonyms-oddities/
> <https://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2018/02/20/edismax-and-multiterm-synonyms-oddities/>
> <https://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2018/02/20/edismax-and-multiterm-synonyms-oddities/
> <https://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2018/02/20/edismax-and-multiterm-synonyms-oddities/>>
> IMO the issue is that it is not clear how term centric would look like in 
> case of different tokens: Imagine that your query is “a b” and you are 
> searching  two fields title (analysed) and title_s (string) so you will end 
> up with tokens ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘a b’. So term centric query would be (title:a || 
> title_s:a) (title:b || title_s:b)(title:a b || title_s:a b). If not already 
> weird, lets assume you allow one token to be missed…
> I am not sure why field centric field is not used all the time or at least 
> why there is no parameter to force it.
> HTH,
> Emir
> --
> Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
> Solr & Elasticsearch Consulting Support Training - http://sematext.com/ 
> <http://sematext.com/>
>> On 30 Aug 2018, at 15:02, David Argüello Sánchez 
>> <arguellosanchezda...@gmail.com <mailto:arguellosanchezda...@gmail.com>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am doing some tests to understand how the split on whitespace
>> parameter works with eDisMax query parser. I understand the behaviour,
>> but I have a doubt about why it works like that.
>> When sow=true, it works as it did with previous Solr versions.
>> When sow=false, the behaviour changes and all the terms have to be
>> present in the same field. However, if all queried fields' query
>> structure is the same, it works as if it had sow=true. This is the
>> thing that I don’t fully understand.
>> Specifying sow=false I might want to match only those documents
>> containing all the terms in the same field, but because of all queried
>> fields having the same query structure, I would get back documents
>> containing both terms in any of the fields.
>> Does anyone know the reasoning behind this decision?
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Regards,
>> David

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