I see nothing in the documentation suggesting a query with a join filter 
doesn't work when a single collection is involved.  There is the special 
deployment instructions when joining across two distinct collections, but this 
is not my case.

I have a single collection:
I have two VM's, both running Solrcloud.
My collection has 2 shards on two different nodes.  Max shards per node is set 
to 1 and replication factor is set to 1.

The join filter is: {!join from=expctr-label-memberIds 

When I run the query, I get back only the document with expctr-id: 
This looks, maybe, like it only finds a document on the replica handling the 
query.  Shouldn't it search and filter across the entire collection?

The documents:
        "expctr-name":"online account opening",
        "expctr-description":["Journey for online customers"],
        "expctr-name":"drop-in account opening",
        "expctr-description":["Journey for dropin customers"],

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