On 9/17/2018 9:52 AM, Vincenzo D'Amore wrote:
recently I had few Java OOM in my Solr 4.8.1 instance.

Here the configuration I have.

The only part of your commandline options that matters for OOM is the max heap. Which is 16GB for your server.  Note, you should set the min heap and max heap to the same value.  Java will eventually allocate the entire max heap it has been allowed ... better to do so right from the start.

This is the error:

org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error while processing facet fields:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Your heap isn't big enough.  You have two choices.  Make the heap bigger, or change something so Solr doesn't need as much heap memory.


If you enable docValues for fields that you use for faceting, much less heap memory will be required to get facet results.

Sometimes the only real way to change how much memory is required is to reduce the size of the index.  Put fewer documents into the index, probably by spreading the index across multiple servers (shards).


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