On 10/17/2018 9:19 AM, Joseph Costello - F&D Reports wrote:

Any feedback from the group on the question below.

The question was will solr performing distance calculations (10,000++) on the fly, perform faster than SQL query simply pulling pre-calculated distance values directly from the database.

If your database contains pre-calculated values, then pulling those is likely to be faster than doing calculations on the fly.  Whether that's true in practice depends on precisely what kinds of calculation you are doing, and what must be done to obtain the values that go into the calculation.

If your database has pre-calculated values, and you need those in search results, why not just put the pre-calculated values into your Solr index when you build it?  One of the key things done with a search engine for performance is handling as much as possible at index time, so there's less work to do at query time.


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