On Tue, 2018-10-16 at 14:04 +0200, zoolette wrote:
> The SOLR instance in 7.5 is up and ready but no trafic is sent to it.
> On the 2 websites, one generated approximately between 5000 and 8000
> requests / minute on SOLR on 2 handlers.
> One search handler is dedicated to complex search from the search bar
> and the other handler treat back search such a return document for a
> specified id or return the chained documents, this kind of stuff.

I am currently working on a DocValues performance regression in Solr 7,
where one of the symptoms is a lot of read activity (LUCENE-8374).

With that in mind, could you tell me

* How many documents you have in your index?
* Whether you use stored or docValues for the fields that you retrieve
  as part of the search result?
* If you perform heavy faceting, grouping or stats?

Maybe provide a sample query, if you are able?

Toke Eskildsen, Royal Danish Library

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