Additional possibilities:
1) omitNorms and maybe omitTermFreqAndPositions for the fields to
avoid frequency of term mattering
2) Constant score:
3) If your languages are ranked (English first, Italian after), you
can boost English field
4) may have some ideas.
The examples use ES, but also has Solr discussion and Solr has some
additional capabilities now to match (e.g. eDisMax sow parameter).

Hope it helps,

On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 11:56, Sambhav Kothari (BLOOMBERG/ LONDON)
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a problem with searches with multiple languages.
> Our schema looks something like this:
> ____
> field_en = English content for field
> field_es = Spanish
> field_it = Italian
> etc.
> ____
> When a user searches for a keyword, e.g.:
> "brexit" it can also specify several languages s/he wants to see in the 
> response, and the query will be performed on all the fields requested.
> The issue is that for 'brexit' Italian results are boosted more because 
> something like "Brexit" is unlikely to occur in the Italian language and the 
> idf shoots up causing less relevant but Italian docs to rank higher than the 
> English ones.
> Is there some way to deal with this problem ?
> The current solutions we can think of:
> 1. Create a catchall copyfield and use that to score the docs. (But this 
> creates problems when a word is present in another language (for eg English) 
> and not in the resulting document language (Italian) (we will have to pay 
> also extra disk space of the copyfield and also problems with analysis for 
> multiple languages)
> 2. Create a new scorer called "IDFGroupScorer" wrapping multiple fields and 
> computing a aggregate idf (by averaging or computing the min/max) across the 
> fields in the group.
> Any thoughts on any other solutions or any suggestions on how we could 
> possibly implement the IDFGroupScorer?
> Thanks,
> Sambhav

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