On 11/20/2018 8:18 PM, Rahul Goswami wrote:
Erick and Toke,

Thank you for the replies. I am surprised there already isn’t a JIRA for
this. In my opinion, this should be an error condition on search or
alternatively should simply be giving zero results. That would be a defined
behavior as opposed to now, where the searches are not particularly
functional for any industry size load anyway.

It wouldn't be a good idea to turn that into an error condition, at least not in any 7.x version.  There could be a lot of users out there who are unknowingly relying on that functionality, and would be very surprised to find their index doesn't work any more when they upgrade.  It's slow, but maybe they have very small indexes.

Maybe the error condition should be related to a new schema property, something like allowQueryOnDocValues.  This would default to true with current schema versions and false in the next schema version, which I think is 1.7.  Then a user could choose to allow them on a field-by-field basis, by reading documentation that outlines the severe performance disadvantages.


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