Hi all, 

I just noticed this and I just wanted to share with you: 

Full-text search is everywhere nowadays and FOSDEM 2019 will have a dedicated 
devroom for search on Sunday the 3rd of February.

We would like to invite submissions of presentations from developers, 
researchers, and users of open source and free search software. Talk length 
should be one of 25 or 50 minutes (including questions).

The submission deadline is December 14th with notifications going out by 

Possible topics include:
* What is the state of full-text search in relational databases such as 
PostgreSQL or MySQL?
* How are search libraries like Apache Lucene evolving?
* What are current improvements and issues in popular search engines such as 
Elasticsearch and Solr?
* What is the role of machine learning in search and how do you even measure 
search quality?
* Which new systems are entering the search market?
* What is the place of client-side search tools like Fuse.js, Js Search, Lunr, 
and Elasticlunr.js?
* Are there any new break throughs in relevancy or are TF/IDF and BM25 good 

Please feel free to forward this announcement to any relevant FOSS project.

Submissions should be sent through https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM19.


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