
I am also wondering how to disable leading wildcards in Solr. Can you
please suggest how to disable leading wildcards in Solr? I know in Lucene
it is a flag that's set to false by default.

> Do it on the client side. Just don't allow leading asterisks or question
marks in your query term.

This does not look trivial to me. A search query can be very complicated.
How do you suggest to detect trailing wildcards from a complicated Lucene

Thank you

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 6:07 AM Michael Kuhlmann <k...@solr.info> wrote:

> Am 22.12.2017 um 11:57 schrieb Selvam Raman:
> > 1) how can i disable leading wildcard search
> Do it on the client side. Just don't allow leading asterisks or question
> marks in your query term.
> > 2) why leading wildcard search takes so much of time to give the
> response.
> >
> Because Lucene can't just look in the index for all terms beginning with
> something; it needs to look in all terms instead. Basically, indexed
> terms are in alphabetical order, but that doesn't help with leading
> wildcards.
> There's a ReversedWildcardFilterFactory in Solr to address this issue.
> -Michael

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