I have questions about the IndexUpgrader tool.

- I want to upgrade from Solr 4 to Solr 7. Can I run upgrade the index from
4 to 5 then 5 to 6 and finally 6 to 7 using appropriate version of the
IndexUpgrader but without loading the Index in the Solr at all during the
successive upgrades.

- The note in the tool says "This tool only keeps last commit in an index".
Does this mean I have optimize the index before running the tool?

- There is another note about partially upgraded index. How can the index
be partially upgraded. One scenario I can think of is 'If I upgraded let's
say from Solr 5 to Solr 6 and then added some documents. The new documents
will be in Lucerne 6 format already, while old documents will still be Solr
5 format’ Is my understanding correct?

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