Dear all,
we have a solrcloud cluster with the following features:
                - 3 zookeeper nodes
                - 4 solr nodes with:
                               - 4 CPU
                               - 16GB RAM

Each solr instance is configured as follow:
SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms2g -Xmx8g"
SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dlucene.cms.override_spins=false 

On the cluster we created a collection with 5 shards each with 2 replicas for a 
total of 10 replicas.

The full index size is less than 2 GB and under normal usage the used heap 
space is between 200MB and 500MB.

Unfortunately if we try to perform a query like the this:


where FIELD_ObjectId and FIELD_MailId are high cardinality fields all the heap 
space is used and the entire solr cluster becomes really slow and unresponsive.
The solr instance is not killed and the heap space is never released so the 
only way is to get the cluster up again is to restart all the solr instances.

I know that the problem is the wrong query but I'd like to know how I can avoid 
this kind of problems.
Is there a way to limit the memory usage during query execution to avoid a 
single query to hang a cluster?

I tried to disable all caches and to investigate the heap dump but I didn't 
manage to find any good solution.
I also thought that an issue could be the really big search response exchange 
between shards. Is it possible?

Actually the cluster is not in production so I can easily perform tests or get 
all needed data.

Any suggestion is welcome.

Thanks a lot,
Matteo Diarena
Direttore Innovazione S.r.l. (<> -<>)
Via Luigi Rizzo, 8/1 - 20151 MILANO
Via Leone XIII, 95 - 00165 ROMA

Tel +39 02 89453024 / +39 02 89453023
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