: I recently discovered that the copyFields directive exclusively works for
: copying fields from the input doc to the indexed/stored doc.

correct.  you have to explicitly list the mappings, it's not recursive (as 
i recall this was done partially because it was easier, but also because 
it ensures the schema creator must clearly thinks through exactly what 
should be copied where -- otherwise you might have an existing mappings 
of x->z and y->z that you don't consider/remember when adding a->x (or 
worse: a->x and a->y)

: where I also have to decide wether to analyze all input on "b" with the
: trimmedString or the grandVoodoo analyzer..

this part of yourquestion doesn't make sense to me ... independent of 
anything copyField does, the analysis is specific to the final field, a 
value in b won't be analyzed any differently if it was originally 
specified for b, or copied to b from a, or if copied from b to c.


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