I am following along with the example found in Zookeeper Access Control of the 
Apache Solr 7.5 Reference Guide. I have gotten to the point where I can use the 
zkcli.sh control script to access my secured Zookeeper environment. I can also 
connect using Zookeeper's zkCli.sh and then authenticate using the auth 
command. The point where I run into trouble is having completed the steps in 
the article, how do I find what parameters to set with SolrJ to allow my 
indexer code to communicate with Zookeeper.

The error my Java code is returning when I try to process a QueryRequest is: 
Error reading cluster properties from zookeeper 
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoAuthException: KeeperError Code = NoAuth 
for /clusterprops.json

My code is:
solrClient = new CloudSolrClient.Builder("localhost:2181", 
String solrQuery = String.format("PRODUCT_TYPE:USER and PRODUCT_SK:%s", 
SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery();
q.set("q", solrQuery);
QueryRequest request = new QueryRequest(q);
numfound = request.process(solrClient).getResults().getNumFound();
Error occurs at the last line. I suspect that I need to set a property in 
solrClient, but it is not clear to me what that would be.

ZooKeeper Access Control | Apache Solr Reference Guide 
Content stored in ZooKeeper is critical to the operation of a SolrCloud 
cluster. Open access to SolrCloud content on ZooKeeper could lead to a variety 
of problems.

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