On 3/14/2019 8:23 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
I believe that the only thing I want to do is to set the
autoSoftCommit value to something "reasonable". I'll probably start
with maybe 15000 (15sec) to match the hard-commit setting and see if
we get any complaints about delays between "save" and "seeing the user".

In my opinion, 15 seconds is far too frequent for opening a new searcher. If the index reaches any real size, you may be in a situation where the full soft commit takes longer than 15 seconds to complete - mostly due to warming or autowarming. Commits that open a searcher can be very resource-intensive ... if they happen too frequently, then heavy indexing will cause your Solr instance to never "calm down" ... it will always be hitting the CPU and disk hard.

I'd personally start with one minute and adjust from there based on how long the commits take.

In our case, we don't have a huge number of documents being created in
  a minute. Probably once per minute, if that.

Does that seem reasonable?

As for actually SETTING the setting, I'd prefer not to edit the
solrconfig.xml document. Instead, can I set this in my solr.in.sh
script? I see an example like this right in the file:

SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=3000"

3 seconds is even more problematic than 15.

I believe that when you use "bin/solr create" to create an index with the default config, that it does set the autoSoftCommit to 3 seconds. Which as I stated, I believe to be far too frequent.


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