If you want a 'global' IDF across different fields, maybe one solution is to 
use a copyfield to copy all the fields in a common field (e.g, title, authors, 
body, footer all copied into a copyfield call text), and then you should be 
able to use it with a function query or by implementing your own similarity 
score, retrieving the idf on the defined copyfield...


From: solr-user@lucene.apache.org At: 03/20/19 16:26:08To:  
Subject: BM25F in Solr


There have been several discussions in the past on how to do BM25F scoring in 
People have mentioned BlendedTermQuery and in Lucene 8.0 we got a new 

What I mainly want is to normalize the doc freq (IDF) across fields, so that
e.g. title field uses same doc-freq as body field. And ideally it should work
in any query parser, including edismax.

Have any of you succeeded in this, alternatively some other workaround achieving
a normalized IDF across fields?

An approximation could be to always use doc-freq from the largest field in the 
e.g. body, but not sure if you can do that in Similarity?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

  • BM25F in Solr Jan Høydahl
    • Re:BM25F in Solr Diego Ceccarelli (BLOOMBERG/ LONDON)

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