Would you be willing to share your query-time analysis chain config, and
perhaps the "debug=true" (or "debug=query") output for successful queries
of a similar nature to the problematic ones? Also, re: "only times out on
extreme queries" -- what do you consider to be an "extreme query", in this

On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 10:06 PM IZaBEE_Keeper <ale...@dvynedesign.com>

> Hi..
> I'm wondering if I've found a query of death or just a really expensive
> query.. It's killing my solr with OOM..
> Collapsing query parser using:
> fq={!collapse field=domain nullPolicy=expand}
> Everything works fine using words & phrases.. However as soon as there are
> numbers involved it crashes out with OOM Killer..
> The server has nowhere near enough ram for the index of 800GB & 150M docs..
> But a dismax query like '1 2 s 2 s 3 e d 4 r f 3 e s 7 2 1 4 6 7 8 2 9 0 3'
> will make it crash..
> fq={!collapse field=domain nullPolicy=expand}
> PhraseFields( 'content^0.05 description^0.03 keywords^0.03 title^0.05
> url^0.06' )
> BoostQuery( 'host:"' . $q . '"^0.6 host:"twitter.com"^0.35 domain:"' . $q
> .
> '"^0.6' )
> Without the fq it works just fine and only times out on extreme queries..
> eventually it finds them..
> Do I just need more ram or is there another way to prevent solr from
> crashing?
> Solr 7.5 24GB ram 16gb heap with ssd lv..
> -----
> Bee Keeper at IZaBEE.com
> --
> Sent from: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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