On 4/1/2019 4:44 PM, Aroop Ganguly wrote:
I am facing this issue again.The stack mentions Heap space issue.

Are the document sizes too big ?

Not sure what I should be doing here; As on the solr admin ui I do not see jvm 
being anywhere close to being full.
Any advise on this is greatly welcome.


Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Java ran out of heap space. This means that for what that process is being asked to do, its heap is too small. Solr needs more memory than it is allowed to use.

There are exactly two things you can do.

1) Increase the heap size.
2) Change something so that less heap is required.

The second option is not always possible.


Program operation is completely unpredictable when OOME strikes. This is why Solr is configured to self-destruct on OutOfMemoryError when it is running on a non-Windows operating system. We'd like the same thing to happen for Windows, but don't have that capability yet.


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