Solr 8.0.0, I have a HASHTAG string field I am trying to facet on to get
the most popular hashtags (top 100) across many sources. (SITE field is

/select?facet.field=hashtag&facet=on&rows=0&q=%2Bhashtag:*%20%2BDT:[" .
date('Y-m-d') . "T00:00:00Z+TO+" . date('Y-m-d')  .

It works but not to what I feel should happen... For example if one site
has 1000 rows on todays date and they all have a HASHTAG in common, that
HASHTAG automatically rises to the top simply because one SITE has 1000
pages with the same HASHTAG.

Is there a way to get a better more even distribution of top HASHTAGS for a
given date, ie facet. a grouping or distinct or filter of some sort?
Im more interesting in knowing if a HASHTAG is used frequently among SITEs,
not just one one.

Hope this makes sense... any recommendations welcomed.

Thank you in advance,

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