If you set q.op=OR (and not as 'AND' you defined in your config), you
will see the difference between your last two queries. The second last
one will show 6 items and the last one still 5.

As is, with your custom config, booster query is added as one more
clause in the search. q.op=ALL forces it to be a compulsory clause,
rather than an optional (boosting one).

FQ is always a forced compulsory clause. Maybe it accepts boosts, but
all scores are ignored anyway (it is just 0 for fail and anything else
for pass).

Adding 'debug=all' into the query parameters (or defaults) would help
you see that for yourself.

But it does seem (in 7.2.1 I have here) that edismax seems to wrap
both query parts in individual brackets. Maybe there was a bug that
was fixed in eDismax only. No ideas there, except that most of the
effort goes into eDismax these days rather than dismax.

P.s. My suggestion was actually to give the queries against STOCK
examples. That would have made all these parameters explicit and more
obvious. And perhaps would have allowed you to discover the minimum
parameter set causing the issue without all those other qf and pf in
the game.

On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 at 16:13, Nicolas Franck <nicolas.fra...@ugent.be> wrote:
> I agree, but I thought my thread was lost in the long list of issues.
> I prepared a simple case for solr 8.0:
>   basic_dismax_set/config:
>      schema.xml and solrconfig.xml
>   basic_dismax_set/data:
>      records_pp.json
>  Total 6 records:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/test/select?echoParams=all
>  5 records match format:book
> http://localhost:8983/solr/test/select?echoParams=all&q=format:book&defType=lucene
> and 1 format:film
> http://localhost:8983/solr/test/select?echoParams=all&q=format:film&defType=lucene
> But when I try this (defType is dismax) ..:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/test/select?echoParams=all&bq=format:book^2
> the result list is filtered on format:book (total of 5 records)
> This url gives the same result by the way:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/test/select?echoParams=all&fq=format:book^2
> while the character ^ isn't supposed to work in fq, right?
> The same result in both Solr 7.4.0 and Solr 8.0
> Thanks in advance

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