Hi Frederik,

In your example, I think you may have typed it manually since there are
mistakes like df=edismax which I think you meant defType=edismax.  Any way,
assuming you need local-param syntax in 'q' (for tagging or whatever other
reason), then this means you must specify the query parser there and *not*
defType (don't set defType or set it to "lucene" which is the default).

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 8:17 AM Fredrik Rodland <s...@rodland.no> wrote:

> Hi.
> I seems SOLR-11501 may have changed more than just the ability to control
> the query parser set through {!queryparser}.  We tag our queries to provide
> facets both with and without the query in the same request, just as tagging
> in fq described here:
> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/faceting.html#Faceting-TaggingandExcludingFilters
> After upgrading to 7.2 this does not work anymore (for the q-parameter)
> using edismax.  We’ve tried to add the uf-paramter:
> select?q={!tag%3Dmytag}house&debug=query&rows=0&uf=query&df=edismax
> But this only result in q being allowed through, but not parsed - i.e.:
> "+(+DisjunctionMaxQuery(((synrank80:tagmytagingeniør)^8.0 |
> (stemrank40:tagmytagingeniør)^4.0…
> Does anybody have any experience or tips for enabling tagging of queries
> for SOLR >= 7.2?
> Regards
> Fredrik

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