On 2019/05/08 16:52:52, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote: 
> On 5/8/2019 10:50 AM, Mike Drob wrote:
> > Solr Experts,
> > 
> > Is there an existing API to modify just part of my configset, for example
> > synonyms or stopwords? I see that there is the schema API, but that is
> > pretty specific in scope.
> > 
> > Not sure if I should be looking at configset API to upload a zip with a
> > single file, or if there are more granular options available.
> Here's a documentation link for managed resources:
> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/managed-resources.html
> That's the 6.6 version of the documentation.  If you're running 
> something newer, which seems likely since 6.6 is quite old now, you 
> might want to look into a later documentation version.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

Thanks Shawn, this looks like it will fit the bill nicely!

One more question that I don't see covered in the documentation - if I have 
multiple collections sharing the same config set, does updating the managed 
stop words for one collection apply the change to all? Is this change persisted 
in zookeeper?


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