An alternative to backup and restore could be the data center replication in 

> Am 05.06.2019 um 19:18 schrieb Joe Lerner <>:
> Hi,
> Our application is migrating from on-premise to AWS. We are currently on
> Solr Cloud 7.3.0.
> We are interested in exploring ways to do this with minimal,  down-time, as
> in, maybe one hour.
> One strategy would be to set up a new empty Solr Cloud instance in AWS, and
> reindex the world. But reindexing takes us around ~14 hours, so, that is not
> a viable approach.
> I think one very attractive option would be to set up a new live
> node/replica in AWS, and, once it replicates, we're essentially
> done--literally zero down time (for search anyway). But I don't think we're
> going to be able to do that from a networking/security perspective.
> From what I've seen, the other option is to copy the Solr index files to
> AWS, and somehow use them to set up a new pre-indexed instance. Do I need to
> shut down my application and Solr on prem before I copy the files, or can I
> copy while things are active. 
> If I can do the copy while the application is running, I can probably:
> 1. Copy files to AWS Friday at noon
> 2. Keep a record of what got re-indexed after Friday at noon (or, heck,
> 11:45am)
> 3. Start up the new Solr in AWS against the copied files
> 4. Reindex the stuff that got re-indexed after Friday at noon
> Is there a cleaner/simpler/more official way of moving an index from what
> place to another? Export/import, or something like that?
> Thanks for any help!
> Joe
> --
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