On 6/14/2019 7:54 AM, Claudio R wrote:
When I try this request to get facet of fields: fieldA, fieldB and fieldC on 
multicore search, I get error:


<str name="msg">Error from server at http://localhost:8983/solr/core2: undefined field: 
<int name="code">400</int>

Is there any config / parameter in Solr to avoid this throw exception on facet 
of multicore when one field not exists in a core?

Distributed queries must have compatible schemas in all the shards referenced. If all fields referenced in the query are not covered by every one of those schemas, you're going to get an error. This is just basic error-checking.

The only fix would be to correct the schemas. You could add the missing field, or if you want all invalid fields ignored, simply set up a dynamicField named "*" that connects to a type that's ignored. This should work:

    <dynamicField name="*" type="ignored"/>
<fieldType name="ignored" stored="false" indexed="false" docValues="false" multiValued="true" class="solr.StrField" />

I haven't actually tried this so I can't be SURE it will work, but I think it would.

A note for devs: In the 8.1.0 _default configset, the "ignored" type does not have docValues="false" ... and I think docValues defaults to true on the StrField class. I think that MIGHT be a problem. Worth an issue?


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