
I'm on the Solr 8.1 branch off commit
f26388d034fe5eadca7416aa63b509b8db2c7688 so I have the authentication fixes
from SOLR-13510 (intermittent 401s for internode requests)

When trying to use the new REINDEXCOLLECTION command with basic auth
enabled, the daemon stream fails with repeated 401s when trying to access
the target collection.

This might be the same problem as SOLR-13472, except it applies even with a
single node, and this doesn't require role based configuration.

Repro: I added a reindex request in BasicAuthIntegrationTest and it is
reproducible in there... I don't know what effect it should have on the
auth metrics, if it were working correctly, so I don't know how to update
the test properly. But you can add the request towards the end of

*      CollectionAdminRequest.ReindexCollection reindexReq =
reindexReq.setBasicAuthCredentials("harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
cluster.getSolrClient().request(reindexReq, COLLECTION);*

Manual Repro:
run bin/solr -e cloud
Choose 1 node / 1 shard / 1 replica
In browser GET
will succeed
Enable security: server\scripts\cloud-scripts\zkcli -zkhost localhost:9983
-cmd putfile /security.json <path to file with this>

    "authentication": {
        "blockUnknown": true,
        "class": "solr.BasicAuthPlugin",
        "credentials": {
            "solradmin": "fskh17INKrOTSRCJ8HkamA0L6Uiq1dSMgn4OVy8htME=

In browser authenticate (as solradmin : solradmin) and GET
will time out after 180 seconds

The solr log will show repeated 401s

Setting "forwardCredentials" : true in the security.json does not appear to
change the outcome.




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