Thanks Mikhail.  I will read those links and switch over to latest Solr.

Just to be sure, my schema setup and the way I'm indexing the date data are
not the issue, right?


On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 11:05 AM Mikhail Khludnev <> wrote:

> Hello,
> The indexed daterange value is really narrow, it might not be easy to pick
> per se. I'm in doubts regarding " in queries. At least TO syntax expects [
> ]
> You can start from these baseline cases
> and check
> (also see below) for sure.
> Also, I remember lack of strictness in 7,2.1 see
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 5:11 PM Steven White <> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I'm using Solr 7.2.1 but can upgrade if I must.
> >
> > I setup my schema like so:
> >
> >     <fieldType name="dateRange" class="solr.DateRangeField"/>
> >     <field name="CC_FILE_DATETIME"   type="dateRange"      indexed="true"
> > required="true"    stored="false"  multiValued="false" />
> >
> > And indexed my data like so:
> >
> >     doc.addField("CC_FILE_DATETIME", "2019-02-05T12:04:00Z");;
> >
> > When I try to search against this field, some search are working, others
> > are not.  Here are examples
> >
> >     I get a hit: CC_FILE_DATETIME:"2019-02-05"
> >     I don't get a hit: CC_FILE_DATETIME:"2019-02-05T12"
> >     I don't get a hit: CC_FILE_DATETIME:"2019-02-05T12:04"
> >     I don't get a hit: CC_FILE_DATETIME:"2019-02-05T12:04:00Z"
> >
> > I'm seeing issues with range search took, like so:
> >
> >     I don't get a hit: CC_FILE_DATETIME:"2019-02-05T12:04 TO
> > 2019-02-06:12:00"
> >
> > It looks to me that anytime I include the time part, it won't work and
> yes
> > I tried escaping ":" like so "\:" but that didn't help.
> >
> > Can someone guide me through this?
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Steven
> >
> --
> Sincerely yours
> Mikhail Khludnev

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