On 05/07/2019 14:33, Joseph_Tucker wrote:
Thanks for your help / suggestion.

I'm not sure I completely follow in this case.
SolrJ looks like a method to allow Java applications to talk to Solr, or any
other third party application would simply be a communication method between
Solr and the language of your choosing.

I guess what I'm after is, how would using SolrJ improve performance when

It's not just about improving performance (although DIH is single threaded, so you could obtain a marked indexing performance gain using a client such as SolrJ).  With DIH you will embed a lot of SQL code into Solr's configuration files, and the more sources you add the more complicated, hard to debug and unmaintainable it's going to be. You should thus consider writing a proper indexing script in Java, Python or whatever language you are most familiar with - this has always been our approach.



*** I could be wrong in my assumptions as I'm still learning a great deal
about Solr. ***

I appreciate your help



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