On 7/8/2019 3:08 AM, Midas A wrote:
I have enabled docvalues on facet field but query is still taking time.

How i can improve the Query time .
<field name="cat" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" docValues="true" multiValued="true" termVectors="true" /> <!--Category ID-->

*Query: *


There's very little information here -- only a single field definition and the query URL. No information about how many documents, what sort of cardinality there is in the fields being used in the query, no information about memory and settings, etc. You haven't even told us how long the query takes.

Your main query is a single * wildcard. A wildcard query is typically quite slow. If you are aiming for all documents, change that to q=*:* instead -- this is special syntax that the query parser understands, and is normally executed very quickly.

When a field has DocValues defined, it will automatically be used for field-based sorting, field-based facets, and field-based grouping. DocValues should not be relied on for queries, because indexed data is far faster for that usage. Queries *can* be done with docValues, but it would be VERY slow. Solr will avoid that usage if it can.

I'm reasonably certain that docValues will NOT be used for facet.query as long as the field is indexed.

You do have three-field based facets -- using the facet.field parameter. If docValues was present on cat for ALL of the indexing that has happened, then they will work for that field, but you have not told us whether rol and pref have them defined.

You have a lot of faceting in this query.  That can cause things to be slow.


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