See comments in issue which is 
now closed.

Appears you try to run Solr on a system with only 1Gb physical ram and allocate 
1Gb to Solr. Remember that Linux also needs memory!

I’d leave 1Gb for Linux, 1Gb for Solr and 2Gb un-allocated, which will then be 
used automatically by Linux to cache your index files for better performance. 
If your index grows larger add more physical (free) ram, if you get OOM 
increase heap (Xmx).

So try a VM with 4Gb ram, and give 1Gb to Solr and iterate from there.


> 20. jun. 2019 kl. 03:15 skrev Scott Yeadon <>:
> Hi,
> I’m running Solr on Ubuntu 18.04 (32-bit) using OpenJDK 10.0.2. Up until now 
> I have had no problem with Solr (started running it since 4.x), however after 
> upgrading from 7.x to 8.x I am getting serious memory issues.
> I have a small repository of 30,000 documents currently using Solr 7.1 for 
> the search function (for the last two years without issue). I attempted an 
> upgrade to 8.1.1 and tried to perform a full reindex however, it manages 
> about 1000 documents and then dies from lack of memory (or so it says). I 
> tried 8.1.0 with the same result. I then tried 8.0.0 which did successfully 
> manage a full reindex but then after performing a couple of search queries 
> died from lack of memory. I then tried 7.7.2 which worked fine. I have now 
> gone back to my original 7.1 as I can’t risk 8.x in my production system. Has 
> anyone else had these issues with 8.x?
> Note that I did increase Xmx to 1024m (previously 512m) but that made no 
> difference, it may be some other resource than memory, but if it is, it isn’t 
> saying so, and it’s such a small repository it doesn’t seem to make sense to 
> be running out of memory.
> Scott.

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