Hi all
I got an error when I was doing index operation:

"2019-09-18 02:35:44.427244 ... No registered leader was found after waiting 
for 4000ms , collection: foo slice: shard2"

Beside it, there is no other error in solr log.

Collection foo have 2 shards, then I check their jvm gc log:

  *   2019-09-18T02:34:08.252+0000: 150961.017: Total time for which 
application threads were stopped: 10.4617864 seconds, Stopping threads took: 
0.0005226 seconds

  *   2019-09-18T02:34:30.194+0000: 151014.108: Total time for which 
application threads were stopped: 44.4809415 seconds, Stopping threads took: 
0.0005976 seconds

I saw there are long gc pauses at the near timepoint.

My questions:

  *   Is this error possible caused by "long gc pause"? my solr 
  *   If so, how can I prevent this error happen? My thoughts: using G1 
collector (as 
 or enlarge zkClientTimeout again, what's your idea?


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