
Audrey Lorberfeld
Data Scientist, w3 Search

On 9/24/19, 10:15 AM, "digi_business" <federico.co...@digibusiness.it> wrote:

    Hi all, reading your suggestions i've juste come out of the darkness!
    Just for explaining, my problem is that i want to show all my items (not
    only the "availables"), but having the availables coming first, still
    mantaining my custom sorting by "ranking" desc.
    i then used this BoostQuery
    bq=(Avail_From: [* TO NOW] AND Avail_To: [NOW TO *])^10
    and discovered that for activating it i must declare defType=edismax before
    then i discovered about the default SolR "score" sorting, and explicitating
    it like this did the magic
    sort=score desc, Ranking desc
    thanks all for the help, and I really hope this could help someone else in
    the future
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