I believe we were debugging why graph results were not being returned in a
different thread. It looks like the same problem.

Is your Solr instance a straight install or have you moved config files
from an older version of Solr to a newer version of Solr.

Joel Bernstein

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 1:09 AM Natarajan, Rajeswari <
rajeswari.natara...@sap.com> wrote:

> I need to gather all the children of docid  1 . Root item has parent as
> null. (Sample data below)
> Tried as below
> nodes(graphtest,
>       walk="1->parent",
>       gather="docid",
>       scatter="branches, leaves")
> Response :
> {
>   "result-set": {
>     "docs": [
>       {
>         "node": "1",
>         "collection": "graphtest,",
>         "field": "node",
>         "level": 0
>       },
>       {
>         "EOF": true,
>         "RESPONSE_TIME": 5
>       }
>     ]
>   }
> }
> Query just gets the  root item and not it's children. Looks like I am
> missing something obvious . Any pointers , please.
> As I said earlier the below graph query gets all the children of docid 1.
> fq={!graph from=parent to=docid}docid:"1"
> Thanks,
> Rajeswari
> On 10/15/19, 12:04 PM, "Natarajan, Rajeswari" <
> rajeswari.natara...@sap.com> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/ggg/update' --data-binary '{
>     "add" : { "doc" : { "id" : "a", "docid" : "1", "name" : "Root document
> one" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : { "id" : "b", "docid" : "2", "name" : "Root document
> two" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "c", "docid" : "3", "name" : "Root
> document three" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "d", "docid" : "11", "parent" : "1",
> "name" : "First level document 1, child one" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "e", "docid" : "12", "parent" : "1",
> "name" : "First level document 1, child two" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "f", "docid" : "13", "parent" : "1",
> "name" : "First level document 1, child three" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "g", "docid" : "21", "parent" : "2",
> "name" : "First level document 2, child one" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "h", "docid" : "22", "parent" : "2",
> "name" : "First level document 2, child two" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "j", "docid" : "121", "parent" : "12",
> "name" : "Second level document 12, child one" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "k", "docid" : "122", "parent" : "12",
> "name" : "Second level document 12, child two" } },
>     "add" : { "doc" : {  "id" : "l", "docid" : "131", "parent" : "13",
> "name" : "Second level document 13, child three" } },
>     "commit" : {}
>     }'
>     For the above data , the below query gets all the children of document
> with docid 1.
> http://localhost:8983/solr/graphtest/select?q=*:*&fq={!graph%20from=parent%20to=docid}docid
> <http://localhost:8983/solr/graphtest/select?q=*:*&fq=%7B!graph%20from=parent%20to=docid%7Ddocid>
> :"1<
> http://localhost:8983/solr/graphtest/select?q=*:*&fq=%7b!graph%20from=parent%20to=docid%7ddocid:%221
> >"
>     How can I convert this query into streaming graph query with nodes
> expression.
>     Thanks,
>     Rajeswari

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