
So, I understand that while non leader TLOG is copying the index from
leader, the leader stop indexing.
One shot large heavy bulk indexing should be very much more impacted than
continus ligth indexing.



Le ven. 25 oct. 2019 à 13:54, Shawn Heisey <> a écrit :

> On 10/25/2019 1:16 AM, Dominique Bejean wrote:
> > For collection created with all replicas as NRT
> >
> > * Indexing time : 22 minutes
> <snip>
> > For collection created with all replicas as TLOG
> >
> > * Indexing time : 34 minutes
> NRT indexes simultaneously on all replicas.  So when indexing is done on
> one, it is also done on all the others.
> PULL and non-leader TLOG replicas must copy the index from the leader.
> The leader will do the indexing and the other replicas will copy the
> completed index from the leader.  This takes time.  If the index is
> large, it can take a LOT of time, especially if the disks or network are
> slow.  TLOG replicas can become leader and PULL replicas cannot.
> What I would do personally is set two replicas for each shard to TLOG
> and all the rest to PULL.  When a TLOG replica is acting as leader, it
> will function exactly like an NRT replica.
> > The conclusion seems to be that by using TLOG :
> >
> > * You save CPU resources on non leaders nodes at index time
> > * The JVM Heap and GC are the same
> > * Indexing performance ares really less with TLOG
> Java works in such a way that it will always eventually allocate and use
> the entire max heap that it is allowed.  It is not always possible to
> determine how much heap is truly needed, though analyzing large GC logs
> will sometimes reveal that info.
> Non-leader replicas will probably require less heap if they are TLOG or
> PULL.  I cannot say how much less, that will be something that has to be
> determined.  Those replicas will also use less CPU.
> With newer Solr versions, you can ask SolrCloud to prefer PULL replicas
> for querying, so queries will be targeted to those replicas, unless they
> all go down, in which case it will go to non-preferred replica types.  I
> do not know how to do this, I only know that it is possible.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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