
I am trying to write an entity to delete documents for the records marked as
deleted in my rdbms database using db-data-config.xml file with following
entry in an entity -

query="SELECT CONCAT( 'ColName:', dbCol ) AS '$deleteDocByQuery' FROM TABLE1
t1 WHERE t1.state = 1 AND t1.lmd > TO_DATE
('${dih.last_index_time}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"

Through SOLR-Admin UI I am selecting "delta-import", entity-name and giving
proper jdbc string in custom-parameters.

I have marked the ColName represented in Solr as deleted in RDBMS Table1
using state column value of 1.

ColName is Solr column-name for the collection. dbCol - database column name
in Table1

I am trying to use $deleteDocByQuery clause to remove documents.

Any help is appreciated.


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