Hi Paras,

I have db-data-config.xml file with entities defined for data population and

As a part of some process, I want to delete the documents from Solr for data
deleted in RDBMS. For this purpose I am writing SQL to fetch data from RDBMS
and delete it in Solr using $deleteDocByQuery.

I want to debug if the query getting formed is correct or not -

Here is the snippet of entity -

        <entity name="delete_docs" pk="ID" query="SELECT CONCAT(
'SolrFieldName:', dbColumnName ) AS &amp;quot;$deleteDocByQuery&amp;quot;
FROM DBTableName t1 WHERE t1.pstate = 1 AND t1.plast_modified_date &amp;gt;
TO_DATE ('${dih.last_index_time}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')">
            <field column="ID" name="id"/>
            <field column="PRODUCT"

The said entity, I am not able to delete the docs from solr using
delta-import operation, so wanted to debug it.


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